Monday, December 10, 2007

Global Revolution

Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Daimiel, Ciudad Real
Considering the purpose of this building, I feel that it is unbearable cold and industrial. In appearance it is uncomfortable, which seems perhaps unnecessary if not overwhelming for a Diagnostic and Treatment Center. Purpose aside, this building is very abstract is successful in its interesting use of materials.

Filter Perk Parking Garage, Chicago
This parking garage is transparent, designed to span the entirety of the Kennedy expressway. This seems like a brilliant way to eliminate the problem of concrete parking decks, but I am curious to learn what material they could construct such a structure from. The deck itself will have a “filtering” urban garden, but it would be interesting to see if they could use a sustainable material for the massive structure. The use of color could also bring life to this interesting structure.

Architectural Review, 12/07

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