Most anyone that has been to Elsewhere Museum (Greensboro, NC) would probably describe their experience as... well, hard to describe. Elsewhere is an artist's haven, brimming with just about any and every object imaginable. On numerous occasions, I heard people express the need for some particular object, followed by "Well it's got to be here somewhere!" This statement really describes Elsewhere in a nutshell. The great part about this space is its interactive quality. The objects in Elsewhere are designed to be rearranged and manipulated, so long as nothing is removed or added. Artists create eerie and playful exhibits amidst the towing piles of, well, stuff! One will surely find our classes' once stratigically placed post-it notes moved and worked into any number of places throughout Elsewhere!
My Design Visualization class was challenged to map out the Museum for Elsewhere's website. Considering the amount of space available to draw, it was difficult to choose just one. I chose my space based upon it's composition. The fabric on the walls created interest in contrast with the objects arranged around the couch. This was such a fun and unusual experience, from which I gained great drawing experience. Thank you Elsewhere and thank you Suzanne!