Monday, November 10, 2008

Eames' La Chaise: Watercolor

Eames Desk: Colored Pencil

Waiting Game

This man was a fellow passenger on my recent GTA bus ride. He looked so familiar with the routine, and for this reason I found him quite an interesting subject.

King Louis XIV Bed: Pencil

Modern Dresser: Sharpie

A Centennial of Change

History has offered the design world a host of changes, each driven by events of the time. New materials and technology enable architects and designers to push boundries of conventional form; a trend seen repeatedly through the 20th century. Today, architecture is influenced by each of these architectural movements, perhaps leading us into a new generation of architectural expression.

Monday, November 3, 2008

John Hancock Center Conference Room

Forcing my way through the bustling crowd, coffee splashes on my crisp white button-down. Heads down, men in suits corral like cattle along the bleak streets of Chicago. This daily pilgrimage is interrupted only by newspapers littering the streets screaming "PRESIDENT CARTER: COMMANDER IN CHIEF" and "VIKING II LANDS." After years of economic hardship and social turmoil, it seems unlikely that anyone could see our great nation through these hard times. As I round East Delaware Street, the newly completed John Hancock Building towers before me; I have yet to adjust to working in such a monstrous building.

Although the view from my new office is spectacular, my office seems to integrate smoothly into the stale, cold winter landscape. The building is too modern for my taste- and not without its share of problems, but it is nice finally settle in. Even these strange tulip chairs, I think they call them, are different from the Mackintosh style chairs at the old office. It is no surprise that this building is quite different from other buildings, such as the Empire State Building in New York, because it has living quarters, shops and even an observatory.

Shortly after my arrival, my secretary informs me that I have a meeting concerning new technology being implemented in the office. The office has been buzzing with news of some new Intel microprocessor and the Apple I. Since the development of the floppy disc, our office has seen leaps and bounds in technology, so I am excited to see what information they've prepared for us.

I join a group gathering in a large room central to our floor. I take my seat at the conference table, awaiting the big news from the Intel. This conference room has proved quite handy for presentations such as these, as it allows everyone a good view of the speaker. The table is much bigger than we've ever had, so we can host large meetings with no shortage of room. The presenter appears with some of the most fascinating contraptions we've seen; perhaps change is not too far out of sight after all.